Robert Maass
About me

What excites me as a photographer, and always has , is telling stories. Initially that was exclusively through still photography, but over the years it evolved to include books, film and multimedia.
I began my career as a photojournalist in 1980, which combined my love of photography with a keen interest in the events of the day. After years of freelance work, following all kinds of stories, I secured a spot as a contract photographer with Newsweek magazine, which I held for ten years. I also started authoring and illustrating books for children. Though my focus has always been photojournalism, I also worked over the years for various organizations and companies, telling their stories. Among them are UNICEF, Care, Annie E. Casey Foundation, United Nations, Barnes & Noble, Citigroup, and many others.
In 2003 I made a feature length documentary called Gotham Fish Tales, about the marvelous and mostly unheralded fishery of New York City. The story is told through a winning set of intrepid anglers of all stripes, mirroring the diversity and energy of what one would expect from New Yorkers. The film ran for two years on the Sundance Channel. Recently I directed a film called CHIEF in connection with the 9/11 attacks and the highest ranking firefighter who died there.
For the past 10 years , I have conducted walking tour in various parts of New York City. This is another way for me to tell stories, in this case about my fascinating home town of New York.